Time flies! We are already six weeks into the school year, and it feels like we just started while at the same time as if we’ve been back for much longer … So, what is happening in Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy‘s Visual and Performing Arts Department?
This year marks the first full year we will be in the new Arts Center; we couldn’t be more thrilled! The fall musical, “Anything Goes,” is already well into rehearsals and will be our first major performance in theatre this year.

In the VAPA department, we have two new members: Joe Lee, who joins the ceramics branch of our department, and Eric Wood, our technical director who will help us continue to build our programs and utilize the wonderful new space.
In the arts classes, level one students have been learning foundational skills and techniques that will be built upon over the year while upper level students started out with some review to brush up on their skills and are now moving forward in continuing to expand their repertoire.
Art 1 students are working on their drawing skills through various drawing exercises focusing on form, tone, and value. They have already completed pencil studies and have moved on to charcoal.
Ceramics 1 students are finishing up their first project that introduced them to the hand building techniques of pinch, slab, and coil building. They are now starting to delve into various surface techniques which will come into play in various projects throughout the year.

Sculpture 1 completed a ‘crash course’ in the common materials and techniques that will be utilized through the course this year. They were tasked with constructing five separate sculptures of the same subject, each one using a different material/technique (clay, wax, paper cache, wire and a fifth material of their choice).

Theatre 1 has been working on various warmups including improvisational games and working on exercises to expand their communication skills, both verbal and non verbal.
Theatre 2-4 students are concentrating on monologues and preparing for the DTASC (Drama Teachers Association of Southern California) Festival this fall.
The focus in Stagecraft has been on the safe use of tools and equipment. The other week, level 1 students completed their Power Tool Practical exam which required them to demonstrate competence with the screw gun and power saw. All students must pass this before being able to use the tools.

The Choir class is now in the school day which is fantastic, allowing for more concentrated practice and instruction for our choral students.
The Music Ensemble has been revamped this year and is modeled after what many professional musicians do: practice and take lessons outside the ensemble group, and then come together to work as a group once a week.
Intro to Music Theory is new this year. It is an online course that Mr. Mosley developed which offers students a strong foundation for music students of any level, and is essential for students planning on taking AP Music Theory.
Some of our dance students performed as liturgical dancers at our first mass, it is always wonderful to see dance recognized as a powerful form of worship.
Our first event of the year will be the VAPA reception on Thursday, Oct. 27, which will provide a preview of what we are working towards this year, plus will honor former music teacher Jim Sage for his integral role in developing the program during his time at FSHA. If you’d like to attend the the VAPA Reception, you can register here.
Don’t forget to check out @fshaclayetc on Instagram to see in progress shots and get an idea of what goes on in ceramics and sculpture on a week-to-week or day-to-day basis.